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Victims of Sexual Assault - A New Change for Justice

Horn Wright, LLP

Changes in Law

With recent changes in the law, victims of sexual assault can now seek compensation for previous victimization at the hands of a sexual predator. In the past, predators were able to avoid compensating their victims, however, on February 14, 2019, the Governor of New York State signed into law the New York Child Victims Act. Under this new law, a plaintiff may bring an action for monetary damages against their abuser up until the victim reaches the age of 55. The enhancement of the time to file and action has been expanded as against the employer/organization of the abuser to include social clubs, recreation organizations, sporting leagues, public schools, churches, synagogues and other religious institutions.

Don’t Wait

This new law permits victims of sexual abuse whose claims were previously time-barred a short window of time to consult an attorney to prepare their claim, and specific time frames to file the claim itself. Failure to comply with these new timeframes will once again make such claims unactionable.

Employers of the Abuser Can Be Responsible

It is not only the abuser who may be responsible for monetary damages. Employers may also be held responsible under such theories as negligent supervision, hiring procedures or when they knew or should have known that the abuse was transpiring. All too often, employers or institutions ignore the signs, or fail to enact protocols to investigate and prevent sexual abuse. In these cases, the employers actions or inactions can make them liable for the sexual abuse.

Contact Us

Our attorneys have handled cases which resulted in seven-figure verdicts for the Plaintiffs and handled cases involving statutory rape, sexual promotion of a minor, and child pornography. Let our experience attorney help you receive the compensation you or your loved one deserves.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of sexual abuse, please contact our firm to discuss your case.
